Why Did Bold & Beautiful's Li Change the Paternity Test Results?

Publish date: 2024-05-19
B&B bold and beautiful mashup li poppy hope finn ridge bill brooke steffy

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (5)

If you think that paternity test proved Bold & Beautiful‘s Bill is Luna’s biological father, gimme a call. I have a bridge — located in beautiful Brooklyn, New York — that I think you’ll be interested in. The only real question in my mind is why Li lied… and I’m 100 percent sure that a whole lot of fans will not like the answer!

Testing 1, 2… Not So Fast!

There are a few reasons I don’t believe for a second that Bill is Luna’s dad, the biggest of which is that it is the least dramatic outcome possible. The whole point of soap operas is to keep people tuning in day after day, and the way to do that is to make sure that at every opportunity, you’re doing the most dramatic thing possible. When opening a box, will it be empty or contain a rattle snake?

Don Diamont, Lisa Yamada, Romy Park

So why, exactly, did Li so dramatically insert herself into this story? For the same reason all soap opera characters do everything: She had a vested interest in the outcome. It’s something the show hinted at months ago and, when we picked up on it, let’s just say viewers in general, and Steffy/Finn fans in particular, were… let’s go with “displeased.”

How Li Gave Herself Away

I hear you out there, gentle reader, asking, “Why would Li do that? And if she really did mess with the paternity test results, why is she so bent out of shape that they revealed Bill to be the dad?” To which I say… she’s not. She, like portrayer Naomi Matsuda, is acting. But the results came out exactly the way she wanted them to… in order to protect Finn.

Bill Li B&B

That’s right, I still believe that Finn is the father. It’s the only reason Li would not only go to all this trouble, but it also explains why she would, in essence, give her sister a happy ending. I suspected this the moment Li barged in, but here’s what really started me thinking: Why did the writers make such a big deal about Li having been in Bill’s home in the past, after he saved her life?

More: Look how quickly Tanner Novlan’s son is growing up! 

Because she’s had something of his ever since, whether coincidentally or as part of her own longterm contingency plan, which she used to alter the DNA tests. I’m 100 percent sure that at some point, we will see a flashback proving that Li’d already run the paternity test using Bill’s DNA as well as that of one of his other children. Probably Liam, given that Wyatt’s off the canvas.

Poppy Finn B&B

That’s why Li didn’t push to have the test done at the hospital: Reports run at the hospital would be far more detailed and complicated than the home DNA test used here, which was basically a glorified pregnancy test.

Impulse Control

Ridge, sit down. We need to have a talk. Because I’m seriously concerned about your decision making skills. Are you still suffering the consequences of having been struck in the head by a pine cone last year? Because that’s the only way I can explain you asking Brooke to become co-CEO of Forrester without so much as consulting with Steffy.

Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Thorsten Kaye

More: Ridge’s latest decision will cost Steffy everything

It defies logic on every level. And then there’s what he said to Brooke about the potential conflict. “[Steffy] wasn’t happy with me, but in the end it all worked out,” he said of the Hope for the Future issue… even as his daughter was fuming about having been overruled. He followed that brilliant bit of insight up with, “The two of you, running this company together? I think it’ll be great!”

On. What. Planet?

More: We need to talk about the Hope/Finn kiss… 

What company would purposely create conflict between its co-CEO’s? Thankfully, Brooke was smart enough to recognize the perils and to reject her husband’s proposal. I can’t help but wonder if she’ll change her mind, however, give what we’ve already discussed about soaps always taking the most dramatic route possible. In this case, that would definitely be Steffy and Brooke working together!

Random Thoughts

Carter Katie B&B

• Are Carter and Katie still a thing? We never see them together. And if they want to propel Katie back into Bill’s story, why not use the paternity test as a way to end her and Carter? They could have had Carter be present when Katie found out about Bill’s new daughter. Bet Carter’s portrayer Lawrence Saint-Victor — who’s also a member of the writing staff — could have written some beautiful material in which his later ego told Katie that her reaction to the news made it pretty clear that she’s still not over her ex.

• As I ask every week at this time… wonder what Paris is up to these days, other than hanging out in the opening credits?

• I’m glad Carter was at least mentioned as a CEO candidate. Frankly, he’s probably more qualified than Ridge, Steffy or Brooke. And shouldn’t Eric have been brought into the discussions? Or Thomas? Sure, he’s over in Paris licking his wounds, but couldn’t he work remotely? He said he couldn’t work with/for Hope, but couldn’t he handle other aspects of the business?

• Quote of the week had to be Hope declaring to Steffy, “Like it or not, the Logans are here to stay!” Why? Because I know that half the audience cheered upon hearing it, and the other half bristled.

What better way to celebrate Daytime Emmy weekend than by revealing the winners… of our own very special awards, via the gallery below!
