What does Charlotte Flair's tattoo say? WWE star's special ink for her late brother

Publish date: 2024-08-03

Many WWE Superstars remember their loved ones by getting tattoos about them, which is what Charlotte Flair did to her late brother Reid Flair. Unfortunately, the latter passed away in 2013 at only 25 years of age, but his sister made sure to keep his memory alive.

The SmackDown star has around five tattoos, two of them dedicated to her brother. On a past episode of Superstar Ink with Corey Graves, Charlotte Flair revealed that her "A Little Patience" tattoo on her right forearm was about the Guns N' Roses song Patience, which she used to sing with Reid. She added that the phrase also reminded her to stay patient during her trainee days.

"His [Reid] favorite band was Guns N' Roses and one of the songs we used to sing together was 'patience.' Just as time goes on, and especially with my career, I'm living his dream. When I was in developmental waiting and waiting, 'Am I good enough? Am I not? Is it gonna happen?' So I just always looked down, I'm like 'a little patience' and it's a reminder of him," said Charlotte.

Another tattoo Charlotte has that is connected to her brother is the one on her upper body, a cross with "Reider" written in the middle. In the aforementioned video with Corey Graves, she shared that Reid also had it on his back, but instead, it had "Fliehr" written on it.

How Charlotte Flair's brother Reid Flair influenced her wrestling career

The Queen is one of the most successful superstars of today. Her father and Hall of Famer Ric Flair definitely played a major inspiration, but so did her brother.

In a previous The Bellas podcast, Charlotte Flair revealed that their family and former WWE Executive John Laurinaitis were having dinner when she was asked about joining wrestling.

Flair stated that she grew up watching wrestling but never saw herself competing. However, she was cheered on by Reid to join, which she eventually did. Charlotte reported to Tampa for FCW (now NXT) three months later. She was initially lost, but Reid's tragic passing urged her to continue.

"I was 27 at the time and scared of my own shadow. Then a year later, my brother ended up dying. Ever since then, I’ve dedicated my journey to him and it’s been incredible. I spent so much time wanting to save his life, but he ended up saving mine, and here I am.” [H/T Wrestling News.Co]

Her late brother's influence and memory have definitely helped Charlotte Flair, not just in her personal life but also in her successful wrestling career.

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